ENYTB Players Needed
RC Baseball Club is excited to announce it will be holding tryouts for their 13U & 14U Capital City Clippers travel baseball team for the upcoming 2024 Fall and 2025 Spring seasons. We are committed to developing a successful travel baseball program. We are looking for all around athletes who are committed and desire to be well round competitive baseball players. Where: Rotterdam Memorial Park When: Saturday August 3 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM *Make up Dates TBD *All players in this age group are welcome *All players should bring all of their own equipment in order to tryout* If you have any questions or concerns or need any further information please feel free to reach out to Chad Quinlivan Email cquinlivan725@outlook.com Cell (518) 858-5980 Or Rich Collura Email richcollura@yahoo.com Cell (518) 487-1825 | ||
Contact 1: Chad Quinlivan (518) 858-5980 (home) (518) 858-5980 (cell) c q u i n l i v a n 7 2 5 @ o u t l o o k . c o m | Contact 2: Rich Collura 518-487-1825 (cell) r i c h c o l l u r a @ y a h o o . c o m |
RC Baseball Club is excited to announce it will be holding tryouts for their 13U & 14U Capital City Clippers travel baseball team for the upcoming 2024 Fall and 2025 Spring seasons. We are committed to developing a successful travel baseball program. We are looking for all around athletes who are committed and desire to be well round competitive baseball players. Where: Rotterdam Memorial Park When: Saturday August 3 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM *Make up Dates TBD *All players in this age group are welcome *All players should bring all of their own equipment in order to tryout* If you have any questions or concerns or need any further information please feel free to reach out to Chad Quinlivan Email cquinlivan725@outlook.com Cell (518) 858-5980 Or Rich Collura Email richcollura@yahoo.com Cell (518) 487-1825 | ||
Contact 1: Chad Quinlivan (518) 858-5980 (home) (518) 858-5980 (cell) c q u i n l i v a n 7 2 5 @ o u t l o o k . c o m | Contact 2: Rich Collura 518-487-1825 (cell) r i c h c o l l u r a @ y a h o o . c o m |