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ENYTB Orientation Meeting Rescheduled To Sunday, FEB 26, 1:30PM

posted by Administrator 02/09/2017 03:02:36

ENYTB Orientation Meeting Rescheduled To
Sunday, FEB 26, 1:30PM - Waterford-HM HS
All Are Welcome!

Our A to Z presentation of ENYTB (previously snowed out) has been rescheduled for Sunday, FEB 26. Same time and place. The original announcement is below. The slides for this meeting have been uploaded to the website - see ENYTB News Board. It would be helpful to review/print beforehand.

This meeting is designed to dovetail with the Kick-Off Meeting. In that meeting, held a few weeks ago, we focused on the ENYTB postseason program and changes in ENYTB and National rules for 2017. If you missed that meeting, it would be helpful to review those meeting slides before attending this meeting.

The upcoming orientation meeting is where the rubber meets the road in terms of identifying all the moving parts of the league. We don't expect anyone to memorize anything, just be aware of the stuff that is in the box, so to speak. Then, when the time comes to use it, you will say, yeah, I remember there is something somewhere that handles that.

Everyone is welcome to attend and those new to the league or still thinking about joining the league, should make every effort to attend. Suffice to say this is not a one size fits all league.

Last year's orientation meeting was canceled due to sickness so this is the first such meeting in two years. And it is our last meeting of 2017!

Hope to see you there,
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